Mind and Body Assessment

  • This option is for those who are looking to do a deep dive within themselves. Those who are ready to find the healing within. This assessment includes disusing the following:
  • 1. Introduction and Goals: What motivated you to seek support in the mindset and wellness area at this time?
  • 2. Current State: Can you describe your current mindset and emotional state?
  • 3. Past Experiences: Are there any past experiences or approaches that have been particularly helpful or unhelpful for you in the past?
  • 4. Mindset and Beliefs: What beliefs or thought patterns do you think might be affecting your overall well-being?
  • 5. Stress and Coping Mechanisms: How do you typically cope with stress or difficult emotions?
  • 6. Wellness and Lifestyle: Are there any wellness-related changes you'd like to make to improve your overall well-being?
  • 7. Self-Care Practices: Do you have any existing self-care practices that you find helpful?
  • 8. Support System: Who are the important people in your life that you can rely on for support?
  • 9. Time Commitment and Expectations: How much time can you realistically commit to working on your mindset and wellness each week?
  • 10. Measuring Progress: How would you like to track your progress toward your wellness and mindset goals?
  • 11. What additional resources are available?
  • 12. Establishing a feedback and communication strategy moving forward, to verify you will have my support going forward.
  • Any many other questions. Are you ready to make some big changes in your life through small adaptations in your daily habits?? Lets get started today!